Oil painting Naoussa Imathia - COLOR TECHNIQUE - Oil painters - Insulation Naoussa Imathia - Thermal facades Naoussa Imathia - Renovations Naoussa Imathia - House painting Naoussa Imathia - Contracts Naoussa Imathia

Oil painting Naoussa Imathia - COLOR TECHNIQUE - Oil painters - Insulation Naoussa Imathia - Thermal facades Naoussa Imathia - Renovations Naoussa Imathia - House painting Naoussa Imathia - Contracts Naoussa Imathia

10619 Visitors:
Address: Naoussa
Area: Imathia
Telephone: 6983393135
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P.C.: 59200
Category: PAINTING
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DIMITRIOS MAVROMATIDIS The oil painting contractor MAVROMATIDIS DIMITRIOS, based in Naoussa, Imathia, has been active for many years in the field of oil painting and insulation of thermal facades for private and professional spaces (residences, shops, apartments, buildings), with consistency and professionalism..   Having gained many years of experience, we have created an extremely successful course in the field specializing in oil painting and painting, undertaking contracts thro...
10619 Visitors:

Naoussa, Imathia

10619 Visitors:


The oil painting contractor MAVROMATIDIS DIMITRIOS, based in Naoussa, Imathia, has been active for many years in the field of oil painting and insulation of thermal facades for private and professional spaces (residences, shops, apartments, buildings), with consistency and professionalism..


Having gained many years of experience, we have created an extremely successful course in the field specializing in oil painting and painting, undertaking contracts throughout the prefecture of Imathia in Naoussa, Veria and also in Edessa in Pella

The materials we use are the latest technology from well-known companies, ecological, acrylic, waterproof plastic colors, so that the result of our work guarantees timelessness, resistance to time and the Greek sun

With quality work and high aesthetics, we propose the most economical solutions


Our provided services:

Oil painting of all types in houses, apartments, facades of buildings, apartment buildings, country houses, shops.

Oil painting, freshening, and in high-rise buildings

We propose special color combinations highlighting and transforming your own space.



Primers, ripulins

Painting interior frames, railings, gazebos

Clean and tidy painting without leaving your home with any mess

Insulation and thermal facades
Thermal insulation of houses to save energy up to 50%

Energy upgrade of your building
Reduction of heat loss in winter
Less costs for heating and cooling in summer
With excellent thermal insulation materials of top quality that withstand time

All these years that we belong to the field of oil painting, the contracts we have completed in Naoussa, Veria and all over Imathia, are a guarantee for the quality of our services

We always operate with the aim of providing prompt service at the most reasonable prices on the market.


If you want to paint your house economically and quickly then trust us and don't waste time. !!!!!!

M appreciation


Contact hours daily from 8 am to 9 pm


Oil painting Naoussa, Veria, Imathia

Oil painters Naoussa, Veria, Imathia

Painting of residential buildings Naoussa, Veria, Imathia

Painters - Painters Naoussa, Veria, Imathia

Coloring Naoussa, Veria, Imathia

Oil painting contracts Naoussa, Veria, Imathia

Insulation Naoussa, Veria, Imathia

Thermal facade - thermal facades Naoussa, Veria, Imathia




Oil paintings
Oil painters
Thermal facades
Residential Painting
10619 Visitors:


Telephone: 6983393135

Working Hours
